GLC 鉅霖國際教育公司
最新加拿大學生簽證工作許可之規定 – GLC 鉅霖遊學
- 以下內容為本公司顧問群的整理和翻譯,為了避免廣大支持GLC的學生們理解錯誤,我們將政府的原文附上,並加上中文翻譯提供給大家參考
- 請以政府公告的辦法為主 如果有翻譯或理解認知錯誤 歡迎大家指正
- 以下的整理和翻譯是GLC的顧問群花了很長的時間辛苦整理,未經GLC授權請勿抄襲 謝謝配合!
Applicants must show that they intend to pursue studies in Canada when applying for a study permit.
2014/6/1 以後規定:
Applicants must enrol in and continue to pursue studies in Canada. Failure to do so could lead to removal from Canada.
Applicants may apply for a study permit to pursue studies at any educational institution in Canada.
2014/6/1 以後規定:
Study permits will only be issued to successful applicants who are pursuing studies at an educational institution that has been designated to receive international students.
Study permit holders pursuing studies at publicly-funded and certain privately-funded post-secondary institutions must apply for an Off-Campus Work Permit to be able to work up to 20 hours per week off-campus during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks.
學生簽證持有人公立學院及部分私立專學校, 必須另外申請校外工作簽證,以便能夠在全職讀書的期間, 進行校外工作, 每週不超過20小時。
2014/6/1 以後規定:
Study permits will automatically authorize the holder to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks without the need to apply for a separate work permit. The study permit holder must be pursuing academic, vocational or professional training of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate at a designated institution.
學生簽證持有人可自動授權校外工作簽證, 無需另外申請校外工作簽證,就能夠在全職讀書的期間進行校外工作最多長達每週20小時或是放假期間全天工作。學生簽證持有人必需上的課程是六個月或以上學術課程,職業或專業培訓,並在指定機構的求取學位,文憑或證書者
Any international student can apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is an integral element of their course of study.
2014/6/1 以後規定:
Only international students who are pursuing studies at a secondary school or at a designated institution may apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is an integral part of their course of study.
Visitors may not apply for a study permit from within Canada
2014/6/1 以後規定:
Visitors may apply for a study permit from within Canada if they are at the pre-school, primary or secondary level, are on an academic exchange or a visiting student at a designated learning institution, or have completed a course or program of study that is a condition for acceptance at a designated learning institution.
International students who have completed their studies but hold valid study permits can remain legally in Canada until the expiration of their study permit.
2014/6/1 以後規定:
A study permit becomes invalid 90 days following the completion of studies unless the foreign national also possesses a valid work permit or another authorization to remain in Canada.
Study permit holders are not authorized to work after the completion of their studies while awaiting approval of their Post-Graduation Work Permit
2014/6/1 以後規定:
Eligible international graduates will be authorized to work full-time after their studies are completed until a decision is made on their application for a Post-Graduation Work Permit
Additional information (額外的資訊)
- 教育是各省和地區的責任。哪些為指定的教育機構將由地區政府在未來數月內確定。
- 國際學生到加拿大就讀的課程時間是六個月或以下不需要學習許可。這是不變化的。 台灣為加拿大的觀光簽證免簽國。
- 對於那些國際學生已經在非指定機構就讀,新法規生效時學生簽證持有者將被允許最多三年完成他們的學習,
- 對於那些國際學生正在非指定機構並擁有校外工作許可或建教合作工作許可的學生將被允許繼續使用,如果必要可以更新這些工作許可,直到他們完成他們的學習計劃,最多允許法規生效後三年期間。
- 額外的措施來支持過渡期的規定將於接進新規定生效期(2014年6月1日)公布